Duffield, Virginia, situated in the picturesque heartland of the Appalachian Mountains, serves as a captivating locale offering an enticing blend of rich history and natural beauty. It is located in Scott County, which is renowned for an abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities, comprising the Natural Tunnel State Park and the scenic views of the Clinch River. Duffield is synonymous with Appalachian culture, harboring timeless traditions, and folkways, amid an inviting community. Its harmonious blend of man-made infrastructures with raw, untouched landscapes serves as a testament to the city's respectful coexistence with nature. Duffield is an explorer's paradise, presenting an immersive journey into the historic charm and stunning topography of Southwest Virginia.
My Town CDJR is Duffield's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 721 E 5th St N, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219.